Training Package 3
The purpose of the PAKEM program is to improve the quality of education delivered to studentsthrough the improvement of learning practices. PAKEM is the Indonesian acronym used to describe teaching and learning approaches which focus on active, creative, joyful and effectivelearning.
Traditionally, teaching in Indonesia mainly consistsof memorizing facts and processes. As aconsequence, many students leave school orgraduate with insufficient linguistic compentency and lack the problem-solvingskills and the creativity to face the many challenges in everyday life.
Active, Creative, Effective and Joyful Learning (PAKEM) has the objective of creating a rich learning environment, providing students withthe skills, knowledge and attitudes to live lifeeffectively . As a result of the PAKEM training, teachers adopt new learning strategies, includingusing more interactive group work and engaging students in more practical assignments. The children are expected to think more independently, rather than being given the answer andwrite using their own words, rather than quoting from the blackboard or books. The class environment created is more amicable for the children, and includes displays of student workas well as interesting visual aids.
During the PAKEM 1 training , the participants are introduced to the concept of active learning.They learn about what PAKEM is, and why the approach places the students at the center ofthe teaching and learning process to improve learning quality. The focus of the training is toidentify the situations of active learning as modeled by the facilitators, and practice these strategiesin actual learning situations using local schools.
Training Package 3.pdf [download]
Posting oleh Tim Pengembang MBS 55 tahun yang lalu - Dibaca kali

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