Suara MBE April 2005 (English Edition)
MBE Moves into 11 New Districts
Starting this month, April 2005, the MBE will move into 5 new districts in Central Java and 6 new districts in the East Java. These areas were selected after the MBE received expressions of interest and our consultants visited the areas.
The eleven areas are:
-Central Java: the districts of Purbalingga, Purworejo, Semarang, Sukoharjo, and Magelang city.
-East Java: the districts of Magetan, Malang, Nganjuk, Situbondo, Trenggalek and Pasuruan city.
Activities for the eleven target new areas will begin with an orientation workshop from 11 -13 May in Batu, including visits to the MBE target schools in Batu and Blitar. You can see a map of all the MBE areas on the back page (page 16).
Suara MBE 8.pdf [download]
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