Suara MBE October 2004
MBE is spreading in all areas.
MBE program is developing models of better education in 20 target schools in each program district, including Conventional and Religious Primary and Junior Secondary Schools. The program develops School Based Management (SBM), Community Participation, and improves the quality of education through PAKEM.
To support this program 12 facilitators have been trained in each district. The program has been running for over a year in five districts: Batang, Pati, Pacitan, Probolinggo and Banyuwangi, and each area has now started to develop the program in other schools. This expansion is being undertaken in all of the areas at their own cost with the help of our consultants.
It is not only develop-ment within the schools that is taking place but in Pacitan and Batang the school mapping model has now become the model for routine data collection in all sub-districts for all schools in Pacitan, and for Junior and Senior High Schools in Batang (continued on page 2).
Suara MBE 6.pdf [download]
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