Suara MBE July 2004 (English Edition)
Orientation Workshop in Probolinggo
An orientation workshop for the new MBE districts was held in Probolinggo from 15 – 18 June. Participants from the five new districts – Banyumas and Kebumen in Central Java and Kota Batu, Kota Madiun and Blitar in East Java – gathered at the Grand Bromo Hotel. Those present included represent-atives of Bappeda (the local develop-ment agency), Dinas Pendidikan (Educ-ation Office), MORA (Ministry of Relig-ious Affairs), DPRD (local parliament), Dewan Pendidikan (Education Council), sub-district branch representatives of Dinas Pendidikan, school principals and school committee members.
They discussed the components of the MBE program, including School Mapping and Planning, School Financing and the School Based Management (SBM), Community Participation (CP) and PAKEM (Active Creative Joyful and Effective Learning) programs. Several resource persons from the five original program districts were present to explain about these activities. The workshop was held intentionally in Probolinggo so that the participants could visits schools which are already functioning well in respect of SBM, Community Participation and PAKEM. Many of the participants also took the opportunity to view Mount Bromo, which was still emitting a lot of dust and smoke, having erupted the previous week.
Suara MBE 5.pdf [download]
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